You've spent a considerable amount of resources marketing your listing, only for your home to end up lingering on the market for months on end. While this is the last situation you wanted to be in when preparing to sell your house Walpole Massachusetts, ignoring it won't make it go away. In fact, you'll be much better off exploring the alternatives you could take going forward:
Refresh Your Photos: It could be that the reason your house can't find buyers is your photos not being up to scratch. No seriously -- if they aren't showcasing your home's best features, why would someone bother to come and view it? Consider swapping them with fresh, better-lit images, of course making sure to reword the description while you're at it. It may also help to bring in a professional photographer this particular time.
Change Your Agent: If you're starting to doubt your realtor's credentials or work experience, there's nothing to keep you from hiring a new one. Also consider it if the current one doesn't seem to understand your needs as a client. Whatever the case, you might have better luck bringing in a different skill set and perspective.
Lower the Price: There's no point hanging onto a price dream if the months are going by and no offers are coming in. Even if you are willing to negotiate, not many people will take interest if they think your property is priced unreasonably high. And there's no shame whatsoever in lowering your asking price -- think of this as a way of inspiring confidence in the eyes of potential buyers.
Relist Later: Sales volumes in most real estate markets vary hand-in-hand with temperature levels. For your case, this means that now might not be the best time to sell. Chances are that the start of your listing period coincided with that of a slump. It may be worth taking the house off the market for a while as you wait for buyer activity to pick up.
Roll up Your Sleeves: Chances are that you've received some feedback about what people don't like about your home. From a buyer's point of view, this would be red flag suggesting that your house isn't in a 'move-in' condition. So don't be shy about rolling up your sleeves to make the relevant improvements. The only rule of thumb here is to avoid overcommitting.
Find Renters: This might be the best of your options if you're finding it hard to keep up with mortgage payments. It could also help if you have already found another place and are in the process of moving. Being a landlord will obviously require a lot of work, but you can also outsource the task.
Wondering why your house is still on the market months after you put it up for sale? This shouldn't be a cause for despair -- as you can see, you aren't out of options as yet. The sooner you start exploring them, the better off you'll be going forward. It goes without saying that you'll want to keep the place ready to show at all times.
Refresh Your Photos: It could be that the reason your house can't find buyers is your photos not being up to scratch. No seriously -- if they aren't showcasing your home's best features, why would someone bother to come and view it? Consider swapping them with fresh, better-lit images, of course making sure to reword the description while you're at it. It may also help to bring in a professional photographer this particular time.
Change Your Agent: If you're starting to doubt your realtor's credentials or work experience, there's nothing to keep you from hiring a new one. Also consider it if the current one doesn't seem to understand your needs as a client. Whatever the case, you might have better luck bringing in a different skill set and perspective.
Lower the Price: There's no point hanging onto a price dream if the months are going by and no offers are coming in. Even if you are willing to negotiate, not many people will take interest if they think your property is priced unreasonably high. And there's no shame whatsoever in lowering your asking price -- think of this as a way of inspiring confidence in the eyes of potential buyers.
Relist Later: Sales volumes in most real estate markets vary hand-in-hand with temperature levels. For your case, this means that now might not be the best time to sell. Chances are that the start of your listing period coincided with that of a slump. It may be worth taking the house off the market for a while as you wait for buyer activity to pick up.
Roll up Your Sleeves: Chances are that you've received some feedback about what people don't like about your home. From a buyer's point of view, this would be red flag suggesting that your house isn't in a 'move-in' condition. So don't be shy about rolling up your sleeves to make the relevant improvements. The only rule of thumb here is to avoid overcommitting.
Find Renters: This might be the best of your options if you're finding it hard to keep up with mortgage payments. It could also help if you have already found another place and are in the process of moving. Being a landlord will obviously require a lot of work, but you can also outsource the task.
Wondering why your house is still on the market months after you put it up for sale? This shouldn't be a cause for despair -- as you can see, you aren't out of options as yet. The sooner you start exploring them, the better off you'll be going forward. It goes without saying that you'll want to keep the place ready to show at all times.
About the Author:
If you wish to sell your house Walpole Massachusetts realtor will assist you with this. Find out more by visiting this page at