What You Should Avoid When Putting Waterfront Homes For Sale

By Linda Ruiz

Homeowners should know the importance of having a house. However, there are times when they have to let it go. If not for foreclosure, they have to deal a shortsale to be able to leave the house in good hands. When dealing with shortsale, the homeowner should know how to make it successful as well as what expectations to have out of it.

When it comes to the said transaction, the homeowner has to be aware of the common pitfalls. These are the pitfalls that you have to avoid when you are putting your waterfront homes for sale Naples FL. Otherwise, you will end up getting the short end of the stick. Here are those pitfalls you have to avoid as much as you can.

First, the house should have a proper price. You should never incorrectly price it. In order for you to have the proper price of the house that you have put up for a shortsale, you better do a thorough research of your market. Take into account the price range your house belongs, the neighborhood it is located in, and many other factors.

Another pitfall is when you make a shortsale proposal and it is incomplete. This is the most common reason why the shortsale will never get approved. Usually, this happens when the agent you hired does not understand the process for the shortsale and what your lender is looking for. You better talk about this in detail.

Inadequate follow up and communication happens when the agent does not check up on everyone who is involved with the shortsale. If the said agent is not following up on these people, the process will progress really slowly. There might even be lots of delays if the agent is not following up on it.

Not having enough time is a pitfall. You need to get a timeline from your agent about the foreclosure process in your area. Thus, the agent you find should know and understand what the foreclosure laws within the area so that you can follow through with the shortsale without losing the house to foreclosure.

Do not forget to submit a complete deal. You should never have any missing papers or you should not be haphazard with the submission. No matter what time of the year it is, the department is most likely understaffed all the time. You cannot expect them to go an extra mile with your deal.

It will be bad if the buyer's offer is too low. If the buyer's offer is too low, you will just end up preferring foreclosure to it than getting the buyer's deal. You should never confuse this shortsale with a fire sale. Even when you need the money quick, that does not mean you have to offer the house at a low price.

Evaluating the buyer and his or her contract is very important too. Not all buyers are highly capable of purchase your home. If you cannot find a buyer who can make the purchase without any difficulties, then you better try other options. It will be bad for you if the buyer you choose is not qualified to make this purchase, after all.

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